Reading List to Change your Life

  1. THE 7 HABITS OF HIGHLY EFFECTIVE PEOPLE by Stephen R. Covey, published by Simon and Schuster, ISBN 0-671-71117-2.
  2. THE ONE MINUTE MANAGER SERIES published by Harper Collins, 77-85 Fulham Palace Road, Hammersmith, London, W6 8JB
  3. THE ONE MINUTE MANAGER by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson, ISBN 0-00-636753-4
  4. PUTTING THE ONE MINUTE MANAGER TO WORK by Ken Blanchard and Robert Lorber, ISBN 0-00-636824-7
  5. THE ONE MINUTE MANAGER BUILDS HIGH PERFORMING TEAMS by Ken Blanchard and Don and Eunice Carew, ISBN 0-00-255033-4
  6. THE ONE MINUTE MANAGER AND LEADERSHIP by Ken Blanchard and Pate and Drea Zigarmi, ISBN 0-00-637080-2
  7. THE ONE MINUTE MANAGER MEETS THE MONKEY by Ken Blanchard and William Oncken Jnr and Hal Burrows, ISBN 0-00637606-1
  8. THE ONE MINUTE SALES PERSON by Spencer Johnson and Larry Wilson, ISBN 0-00-637015-2
  9. EMPOWERMENT TAKES MORE THAN A MINUTE by Ken Blanchard, John P Carlos and Alan Randolph
  10. MANAGING IN A TIME OF GREAT CHANGE by Peter F. Druker, published by Butterworth – Heinemann, ISBN 0-7506-2392-6
  11. THE EMPTY RAINCOAT by Prof. Charles Handy, published by Hutchinson, ISBN 0-09-178022-5
  12. BEYOND CERTAINTY by Prof. Charles Handy, published by Hutchinson, ISBN 0-09-179153-7
  13. THE PURSUIT OF WOW! by Tom Peters, published in 1995 by Macmillan General Books, Cavaye Plae, London, SW10 9PG, ISBN 0-333-65084-0
  14. THINK LIKE A LEADER by Dr. Harry Alder published by Judy Piatkus (Publishers), 5 Windmill Street, London, WIP 1HF, ISBN 0-7499-1479-3
  15. WHY SATISFIED CUSTOMERS DEFECT by Thomas O. Jones and W. Earl Sasser Jnr. published by Harvard Business Review Nov-Dec 1995 Issue – Reprint ref. 95606
  16. BECOMING WORLD CLASS by Clive Morton, published by Macmillan Press, ISBN 0-333-62560-9
  17. EFFECTIVE INNOVATION by John Adair, published by Pan Books, ISBN 0-330-34475-7
  18. RE-ENGINEERING THE CORPORATION by Michael Hammer and James Champy, published by Nicholas Brealey ISBN 1-85788-056-0 and BEYOND RE-ENGINEERING by Michael Hammer, published by Harper Collins, ISBN 0-0-255643-X
  19. MANAGING WITH THE GURUS (Guidance on 20 Management Techniques) by Carol Kennedy, published by Century Books, ISBN 0-7126-6017-8
  20. THE BUSINESS GROWTH HANDBOOK by Colin Barrow, Robert Brown and Liz Clarke, published by Kogan Page , ISBN-7494-1748-X
  21. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW, Tower House, Sovereign Park, Lathkill Street, Market Harborough, Leicestershire LE16 9EF
  24. LEARNING TO LEAD by Warren Bennis and Joan Goldsmith, ISBN 1-85788-198-2
  25. PRINCIPLE CENTERED LEADERSHIP by Stephen R. Covey, published by Simon and Schuster, ISBN 0-671-71135-0
  26. FIRST THINGS FIRST by Stephen R. Covey, published by Simon and Schuster, ISBN 0-671-71283-7
  27. MANAGING THE PROFESSIONAL SERVICE FIRM by David H Maister, published by Free Press/Simon and Schuster, ISBN 0-684-83431-6
  28. LEAN THINKING by James P Womack and Daniel T Jones, published by Touchstone, ISBN 0-684-81976-7
  29. LEADING CHANGE by John P Kotter, Published by Harvard Business School Press, ISBN 0-87584-747-1
  30. MANAGEMENT TEAMS – Why they Succeed or Fail, by R Meredith Belbin, published by Butterworth Heinemann, ISBN 0-7506-0253-8 or ISBN 0-7506-2676-3
  31. TEAM ROLES AT WORK by R Meredith Belbin, published by Butterworth Heinemann, ISBN 0-756-06-0925-7
  32. VALUE PRICING by Ronald J Baker, by Harcourt Professional Publishers, ISBN 0-15-606292-5
  33. SPIN SELLING by Neil Rackman, By McGraw-Hill Inc, 1221 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10020, ISBN 0-07-051113-6
  34. HOW TO DOUBLE YOUR PROFITS WITHIN THE YEAR by John Fenton, published by Management Books 2000 Ltd, Cowcombe House, Cowcombe Hill, Chalford, Gloucs, GL6 8HP, ISBN 1-85252-279-8
  35. 101 WAYS TO BOOST YOUR PERFORMANCE by John Fenton, published by Management Books 2000 Ltd, Cowcombe House, Cowcombe Hill, Chalford, Gloucs, GL6 8HP, ISBN 1-852522-278-X
  36. TAKE YOURSELF TO THE TOP by Laura Berman Fortgang, published by Harper Collins Publishers, 77-85 Fulham Palace Road, Hammersmith, London, W6 8JB
  37. HOW TO SELL A SERVICE by Malcolm H B McDonald with John W Leppard, published by Heinemann, ISBN 0-434-91229-8
  38. ZERO RESISTANCE SELLING by Maxwell Maltz, MD FICS, published by Prentice Hall Press, ISBN 0-73252-0039-4
  39. AN INTRODUCTION TO NLP Audio Cassette by Joseph O’Conner and Ian McDermott, published by Thorsons, ISBN 0-7225-3415-9
  40. BURYING THE BILLABLE HOUR by Ronald J Baker, published by CAET, ISBN 1-85908-353-6
  41. WHO MOVED MY CHEESE by Dr Spencer Johnson, published by Vermilion, ISBN 0-09-181-697-1
  42. SME CONSULTING by Ian Fletcher and Gordon Gilchrist, published by CCH, 145 London Road, Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey, KT2 6SR, ISBN 1-84140-205-2.
  43. THE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL QUESTION and ANSWER BOOK by Dick Grote, published by The American Management Association, ISBN 0-8144-7151-X.
  44. UNDERSTANDING STRATEGY IN A WEEK by Bob Norton and Ray Irving, published by Hodder & Stoughton, ISBN 0 340 72494 3.
  45. 20 STEPS TO BETTER MANAGEMENT by Nick Clark and John McBride, published by BBC Books, ISBN 0-5633-87726
  46. MOTIVATING EMPLOYEES by Anne Bruce and James S Repitone, published by McGraw-Hill Education, ISBN 0-0707-18687
  47. WHAT LEADERS REALLY DO by John P Kotterm, published by Harvard Business School Press, ISBN 0-8758-48974
  48. THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL by Dick Grote, published by Amacom, ISBN 0-8144-03131
  49. PEAK PERFORMERS by Charles A Garfield, ISBN 1-555-25158-7

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