All highly successful businesses have a continuous improvement programme embedded in their systems and procedures. This ensures the development of innovative new products and services which constantly exceed customer expectations.
The BERR has invested over £4 million in researching the factors that create Winning Companies and has produced a simple, yet powerful, formula for success. Graham Lamont has identified how to use this research in his practice and has become a highly respected business coach in applying these principles successfully.
He delivers each programme personally, sharing his wide experience with the delegates in one-day workshop modules. It usually takes between four and six workshops over a five to seven month period to implement the nine-step process to develop a successful winning practice. The steps are:
- Create a shared vision
- Develop a comprehensive range of services with menu and value pricing
- Design and implement a client care programme
- Establish efficient business processes
- Acquire a people strategy that will unlock your full potential
- Turn D clients into A clients through profiling and analysis
- Improve practice profitability by at least £50,000
- Provide added value services
- Plan milestones and the way ahead
Once all the policies and procedures have been agreed between the partners, the Winning Practice Programme is then rolled out, first to the senior management team and then all the staff of your firm.
Productivity improvements ranging from 10-15 percent and increases in net profit per partner of 35-40 percent have been achieved. The greatest impact, however, is in the improved morale of the whole team, including partners, with greater job satisfaction and soaring client satisfaction ratings.
If you would like to find out more about the Winning Company Programme, please contact us.